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Swimming in alignment

Swimming in alignment

As humans, we will always align with people, places, and beliefs similar to who we truly are—aka what we believe in. Here's a funny story that illustrates this in real life, as told from M’s perspective: After being awakened at 3 am by a big loud noise and determining...

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hard + fun

hard + fun

Four years ago, I began emailing a blog every Friday at 6 am. Typically, on Wednesday I will have an aha moment and know exactly what to write. This week, nada. There I was, moving through my Thursday with the thought, I really need to write something - not just...

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the ripening

the ripening

Living in LA, there were times during a hectic day when I would (only half-jokingly) claim that I was about to move to the country to raise goats and make really good organic goat cheese. Why goats? I have no idea. I've never even encountered a live goat. But, that's...

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Is bad good ?

Is bad good ?

I don't like bad noises, and I am picky about volume. Unless, of course, I'm at an Elton John concert or joyfully singing at the top of my lungs to Kirk Franklin—a noise my 12-year-old daughter once described as both loud and bad, understandably. Yes, both loud and...

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apple pencil incident

apple pencil incident

Earlier this week, M called me from the studio asking if I had seen his Apple Pencil. After quickly checking the usual places, still no Apple Pencil. M composes daily and doesn't like to type, so his flow was interrupted.. Later that evening, after dinner, we checked...

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The choice of reactivity

The choice of reactivity

I had just finished a 90-minute hike with a new friend at a local reservoir. It was a beautiful, bright, sunny day, the trajectory of which shifted when I heard a thunk. For a moment, I was unsure of what caused the sound until I remembered my phone, which was now at...

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Step outside

Step outside

In 2020, I sensed that my time in Los Angeles was coming to an end, but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to live next. One thing I did know was that I wanted daily access to nature without needing to drive. This feeling began during lockdown when I developed a practice of...

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My first snake

My first snake

On Sunday, I saw my first real-life snake. We were gardening. I went to the greenhouse to retrieve a trowel, and there he was. Realizing I know nothing about snakes, I took a short video, strolled back to the garden and, showing the video to M, asked: Do I need to be...

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What Nana said

What Nana said

You can flow care through any emotional state: love, joy, anger, disappointment, sadness — all of it. The key is to apply our presence to whatever is present. Sometimes when people hear me talk about frequency and energetic states, they mistakenly think that I’m all...

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Hello, poppies

Hello, poppies

This morning as I stepped outside, I gasped with delight. For the past few weeks I’ve been watching these egg shaped Dr. Seuss looking things hanging out in our garden, wondering what they were. And yes, I do have an app on my phone that will give me its best guess at...

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