hard + fun

by | Jul 19, 2024

Four years ago, I began emailing a blog every Friday at 6 am.

Typically, on Wednesday I will have an aha moment and know exactly what to write. This week, nada.

There I was, moving through my Thursday with the thought, I really need to write something – not just anything, but something…

I then questioned if I might be stuck in an old pattern of procrastination and perfectionism. Nope.

My next thought was, Be patient, Valentyne, it’s coming. And I remembered back to starting this blog. We were in lockdown, I was yearning for more connection, missing my usual flow of sound baths, lunch dates, yoga, and rowing.

A long-term client who was not actively working with me at that time asked me one day, Why do you send so few emails? I learn something from you every time we connect. You have a lot to teach. Have you thought that people might like to hear from you more often?

My shyness was immediately triggered, and so I challenged myself to send you something every Friday no matter what. And I kept my promise to myself.

What I’m aware of this morning is that this is a very present-based activity for me.

In other words, it isn’t outcome-based but something I committed to with the intention of creating a new habit.

I don’t write to sell you something or to grow my list. I can’t remember when I last looked at the open rate or how many people are on my list
(two things that are musts in the online world).

Rather, it’s grown into something where I enjoy sharing what’s happening in my life in a way that feels good to me.

And I know that it speaks to at least some of you because I enjoy reading the field reports that land in my inbox.

Writing now brings me joy. It has grown some new connections and brought people I haven’t heard from in years (or even decades) into my inbox.

And perhaps my favorite part is the reminder that when I commit to doing something that I have resistance to, it not only becomes easier but grows into a joyful practice.

Keeping our word to ourselves is the fastest route to building self-trust and confidence, something that can only really happen through consistent practice.

And so I asked myself, Where else can I apply the same energy?

Yes, old-school burpees.

I can commit to that as a daily practice, anywhere, anytime, no equipment required.

And we shall see where this next small commitment leads me.

Join me if you wish, just for fun, because hard can be fun, and fun can be hard.

Love + Magic,
