As humans, we will always align with people, places, and beliefs similar to who we truly are—aka what we believe in.
Here’s a funny story that illustrates this in real life, as told from M’s perspective:
After being awakened at 3 am by a big loud noise and determining that all was well, we snuggled in. M said to me, “I love our experiences that demonstrate so clearly that you are 100% my person.”
This evening, when we were picking blueberries and I was describing what I saw in Sylvia’s energy body resulting from the accident, you quickly chimed in agreement, adding your perspective.
Then later, you decided that I couldn’t possibly know whether or not you had sent the email to Marty (even though I did know and you had forgotten…).
I saw you doing something that rarely happens: defending yourself with “I don’t dictate my emails” and “my phone doesn’t click when I type,” so how could you be certain?
Together we broke into laughter, one of my favorite things.
You see, it was easy for me to believe that M could see and feel our friend’s energy field, yet not whether or not he knew I had sent an email.
Funny, huh?
Why? Because I spend my day swimming in the water of energy, thought patterns, constellations, and mathematics.
It’s where I feel most connected and where my talents are best expressed. Emails or technology, not so much.
We each see the truth and the possibility of magic in that which resonates with us.
If we like toddlers, we will enjoy their curiosity, their confidence, their what about me-ness.
If we don’t like them, they’re simply annoying little people.
If we like nature, we are aware of the smell of grass, the sound of the birds, the beauty of each leaf or flower unfolding.
If we don’t align with nature, we’re more likely to be aware of bugs and prickles and bad smells.
While I’m using simple examples for the purpose of demonstration, this is also true in relationships, finances, health, and yes, politics.
We all have biases because of our wiring, and our experiences are shaped by our wiring.
Is this set in stone? Not at all.
By looking at our biases, patterns, and learned behaviors, we can realign our wiring by letting go of what no longer supports who we want to be. Then, mindfully and purposefully, we can create new patterns of alignment with that which truly feels joyful, loving, and of service.
Love + Magic,