This morning as I stepped outside, I gasped with delight.
For the past few weeks I’ve been watching these egg shaped Dr. Seuss looking things hanging out in our garden, wondering what they were.
And yes, I do have an app on my phone that will give me its best guess at what my plants are. But I’ve decided it’s actually more fun in this first year to watch and see what emerges.
Last night when I went outside to say goodnight to the moon, there they were in their furry little cocoons. And this morning there was one glorious blossom the color of a Puerto Vallarta sunset and the size of my head — no joke.
I thought: Wow, all of his beauty emerged in the last few hours while I was sleeping.
I never would have guessed this was what was inside of that cocoon, waiting to be birthed. Yet it was always there. Even when that first seed was planted, the potential of this larger-than-life overflowing-with-joy bloom existed. It simply hadn’t yet matured into its full expression.
And then I heard the voice: Patience, Valentyne, this is you too.
In that moment, I was able to drop any sense of wondering about a number of circumstances in my life that feel either incomplete or a tad bumpy.
There I sat, in my garden, communing with these beautiful beings.
Oh joy!
Then I heard the garden door slam behind me as a big gust of wind flew by. Did I mention that I was outside, naked, home alone, no phone, and had locked that door before bed. Something I decided to do on my first night home alone in the woods.
I thought to myself, This is interesting. I have a full day of client calls. And M comes home this evening. And there’s certainly a sunburn in my future…
I heard the front door, the wind appeared once again and it blew open.
My first thought, Thank you, God.
For a way in, and for the reminder that when I let go and get present all of my needs are met with greater ease.
And let’s not even get into the idea of when one door closes, another one opens.
Let’s just flow.
Because flow always tells me I’m on track.
And it feels really, really good
Send me a field report, I love to read them.
Love + Magic,