The day after the election, I was preparing to teach a meditation class on Zoom.
I asked my inner guidance system, What is most needed in this moment? How can I best serve these beautiful humans?
I heard, True power requires flow.
Remember that famous line from the Wizard of Oz?
You’ve always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.
What is the thing that most obstructs us being connected to our inner power source?
Stuck emotions, things we deny and avoid, or things we cling to and sometimes build a life around.
Energy must flow to be a healthy expression.
Energy that is stuck coagulates and eventually becomes one of many forms of gunk, whether that be depression, challenges with money, relationships or our own body.
If we stay in hatred or anger, we turn the thing we blame against ourselves and we create more of what we claim to hate.
Put that way, it doesn’t sound so sensible, does it? Yet, we’re taught to do precisely that. We do it individually and collectively. I’m right, you’re wrong, and now we have algorithms on social media that prove that we’re right.
If you think that eating meat is bad, you’ll get lots of yummy vegan recipes.
If animal protein is part of your diet, the algorithm will show you all the reasons why vegans look unhealthy and need animal protein.
And yes, there’s an algorithm, and there’s our inner algorithm.
Our brain has a reticular activating system. What we focus on, we see more of. Have you ever found yourself thinking about a red Volkswagen, and suddenly you see them everywhere? The same is true for our emotions.
And they are contagious.
So what do we do when we find ourselves swimming in a dense pool of emotions? First, remember that emotions are energy and they need movement. Second, you have the power to change your emotions.
Some things to try:
have a dance party for one (or many),
punch a boxing bag,
let your creativity flow,
sing out loud (I do this in the car with really loud gospel).
So, why am I going into detail about this?
Because my first prayer is that you not turn this energy against yourself, but rather let it move through you, convert into fuel and plug into your power.
From that place, clarity and right action become available.
Because, yes, we are truly in this together, all of it.
Love + Magic,
PS: If you’re wondering about the meditation class I have been teaching, join me here. Wednesdays at 4pm in LA, 7pm in New York.
1 hour.
Free of charge.
And you’ll feel better.
Want to join me? Click here.