up & down

by | Oct 4, 2024

Early this morning, as I walked through my garden, anticipating the sunrise with my coffee cup in hand, I found myself mesmerized. I felt like a young child who accidentally discovers Santa Claus on Christmas morning, standing frozen in time, hoping to be invisible and not disrupt the magic of the moment.

What was actually happening in my garden?

A family of deer were visiting; majestic, graceful, an energetic force field of power and beauty. Pure heaven to me.

All I could think of this morning was how blessed I was to be in their presence. As they caught a whiff of my presence, almost instantly, they retreated into the woods.

I found myself laughing because just yesterday, I was researching the use of coyote urine to deter the deer from eating the field of tulips I want to plant.

Ta-da! Here I was, in a real-life experience of challenge and support, one of my core beliefs and teachings. Nothing is all good. Nothing is all bad. Rather, it is how we interact with (and judge) what life presents that causes us to put things into the good or bad box.

We can die of both dehydration and overhydration.
We think money will solve our problems, until we have more money and new challenges arrive with it.
Being single can feel lonely, and sometimes we may crave alone time even in the best of relationships.

What goes up must come down.
It’s simply universal law.

I believe this is why almost every spiritual lineage teaches non-attachment. For what if we didn’t feel the need to label experiences as good or bad?

What if we allowed ourselves to stay in the presence and flow of both what is beautiful and what helps us to grow?

Love + Magic,

PS: Send me your thoughts, along with any suggestions for kindly keeping the deer away from my tulips.