Life …in flow

by | Sep 20, 2024

Why do I prioritize living in flow? Because it feels good.

Living in flow is my way of practicing one of the most challenging spiritual teachings: living in the present moment. And let’s be clear, I’m referring to a practice, not perfection. Flow is both a state and an activity. It’s not about sitting and waiting, it’s about actively removing what doesn’t belong, what feels cluttered, so that I can feel my body and life flowing like a gentle river, not Niagara Falls.

I see clutter as rocks in the stream that impede the flow. It isn’t bad; it’s informative.

This week has had its share of twists and turns, a few rocks, and some pebbles. It’s my first trip back to LA in over a year, and my amazing dentist told me I needed to see an endodontist, stat. She called in a favor, and 40 minutes later I found myself asking, Really? I need dental surgery?

Okay, Universe, plot twist!

I began researching and booking appointments to gather more information. Dental surgery? Braces? I had those 44 years ago.

Yikes! But I knew I was in good hands. And I know that my best choices are made when I’m grounded and in flow.

The Universe is for you, Valentyne. What do you need?

Between dental consultations, I drove to the beach in a big poofy dress and let the salt water roll over my feet, releasing my fear and overwhelm. I invited the ocean to clear and repattern me as it has so many times before. I remembered that life is for me, and as long as I remain in flow, the way will be shown.

I then requested an extra side of clarity.

I’ve scheduled and canceled more flights than I can count this week. I’ve had beautiful humans demonstrate kindness and support. I’ve had a whirlwind of consults, one of which left me feeling depleted and a little defeated by someone else’s opinion of a treatment I didn’t align with (Hello, white coat syndrome!).

Then I remembered, Oh, it’s your stream, Valentyne. You can take that rock out. And that I did, followed by a call to her office thanking her for her time and letting her know we wouldn’t be working together (completion is my jam).

An hour later, I walked out of my next consult knowing I had found the person I wanted to treat me.

Two days later, as I write this from my bed office, my mouth is healing from surgery, and yes, I now have braces!

Not the week I had planned, yet a very productive week filled with support, flow and serendipity.

When we consciously choose to live in flow, life may seem to have more twists and turns. It’s my experience that it feels that way because I am not residing in overwhelmed and stuck land, my least favorite place.

Energy needs to move, it’s how we flow.

And yes, living in flow is an active way to be present.

Love + magic,


Thoughts? I’d love to hear them.