This morning, as I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the most beautiful sight, fluffy white snowflakes floating gently through the air. For a moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of childlike joy.
Snow has always been one of my favorite things about winter. But now, it’s more than just a seasonal wonder; it’s become a powerful anchor for something deeply meaningful, prayer and love for my second home, Los Angeles.
This week, it snowed frequently. And with each snowfall, I leaned into this practice of holding LA in a field of light, safety, and peace.
It’s not the only time I’ve found myself in this practice. Last week, on the second day of the fires, I rolled out my yoga mat. The sun streamed through the windows, and as I moved into stillness, the most exquisite snow began to fall.
Tears streamed down my face as I felt an undeniable sense of grace and gratitude. In that moment, I whispered to myself, Valentyne, God is right here. I consciously entered the prayer field, envisioning our beloved city blanketed in cool, calming light—a sanctuary of safety, thriving, and freedom from destruction.
I’ve discovered that linking moments of beauty to intentional practices creates profound power. For me, falling snow is now tied to prayer for LA.
And so, I’d love to extend two invitations to you.
The first invitation:
Join me in this practice.
If you live in California (or anywhere!) don’t wait for snow—or even rain—to begin. Instead, link your prayer or intention to something you encounter daily: the warmth of a shower, the first sip of coffee, a gentle breeze, the color blue, or even the sound of a car horn.
If prayer feels unfamiliar or uncomfortable, I get it. Simply imagine the City of Angels wrapped in a soft, radiant bubble of light—a light that carries peace, love, and healing. See the city thriving, safe, and free from harm.
The second invitation:
Join me live.
Come as my guest into my Zoom room, where we’ll relax deeply together. When we gather in love and intention, our collective energy becomes so much greater than the sum of its parts.
Together, we can hold this space of calm and light. Together, we can be a force for good.
Will you join me?
Click here and I’ll send you the zoom link.
We meet tonight, Thursday January 16th at 7pm in NYC/4pm in LA.
More classes will be added shortly.
Love + Magic,