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Healing & dust

by | Dec 27, 2024

I’m writing this on the day after Christmas, having just finished a bowl of delicious homemade soup with M. Earlier, our contractor popped his head in to say goodbye, and my response was a joy-filled
Wow, it’s really getting exciting.

Our contractor, Marty, is a really great human. He does incredible work, and so he’s booked like crazy. Marty’s been coming and going for weeks at a time, since last spring.

Time, money, chaos, and dust…
lots of dust.

Today, he came by and installed a bench in the mud room.
He applied handles to closet doors.
He put up new light fixtures in my workspace.

He finished up things that are both beautiful and bring a sense of completion to our home. There is a greater sense of flow.

Looking at M, I said, Renovating is a similar journey to healing. 
Sometimes it feels like there’s so much work, energy and investment being spent, without visibly evidencing real results.
And then suddenly, one day, it all comes together, wrapped in wow!

It may feel instantaneous, but is it? Or is it all of the pieces of our invisible efforts coming together in perfect order?

And whether that wow happens in your body, your home, your bank account or your relationships, it’s actually the same process:

Remove what doesn’t belong.
Choose what you truly want and align with that.
Create the right team to bring it all to fruition.
Prepare to receive.

It takes patience, alignment, dedication, and often a little resilience.

And just when you are beginning to wonder if the journey will ever end, it does.

And it’s so worth it.

Love + Magic,
