Don’t confuse the roses

by | Oct 11, 2024

On the drive home from a client retreat last week, M said to me, I want to remind you that your dream about moving to the country included growing lots and lots of flowers.

So, on my way home from yoga this morning, I stopped at my favorite nursery to pick up some pine bark to mulch my rose bushes. I asked my favorite garden fairy, Tam, about pruning them for winter.

Oh no, said Tam, let them be! If you prune them, they will think that you are telling them it’s time to grow and produce an abundance of blooms!

Can you see why I love her? She completely speaks my language: release and receive.

I learned that in preparing the roses for winter, we want the energy to drop down into the roots (don’t we all feel safer when grounded?), not to be growing new leaves and trying to birth flowers in the cold.

Yet, when I do want her to grow new leaves, petals, and buds, I will prune her to direct the energy she has gained over the winter to grow and expand. There will be space and energy to flow into the areas needed for the production of her beautiful, fragrant blooms.

Nature teaches me so much.

When we prune things, we make space for new growth.

For us humans, it’s pretty much the same process.

When I want to receive more and create more flow, I remove what isn’t needed. Whether that’s trimming back branches, giving away clothing, or creating order under my kitchen sink.

Energy needs space to flow, and everything is energy. Love, shoes, connection, roses—it’s all energy.

Clutter, whether energetic (words unspoken, feelings unexpressed) or physical (stuff we trip over) is the greatest obstacle to an abundance of flow, be it money, love, or joy.

And so, because I approach life as a science lab, this is an invitation to join me in an exploration to see how easily we can release what we no longer need (or want) and create space to joyfully receive more of what we truly do want and need.

4 hours
4 weeks
4 modern meditations
Recordings provided

There’s power in community, so let’s create some ease and abundance together.

We begin on Wednesday, October 23, for four consecutive weeks, 4pm LA, 7pm NYC.

The most effort required is turning on Zoom and bringing a willingness to be, do, and have more of what you want in your life.
If willingness isn’t available, curiosity is enough.

Join me here.
You’ll be happy you did, I promise.

Love + Magic,
