A Story of Energetic Awareness
Late one evening last week, after brushing my teeth, I went back downstairs and asked M if he would like to play chess.
His face lit up with surprise and delight; delight because he loves playing chess together, and surprise because he knew I was tired, and it was already later than I normally like to play. He’s a skilled player and has always dreamed of being in a relationship with someone who could match his skill.
My desire wasn’t to win, but rather to connect, and be in the flow of connection.
As we sat down to play, I opened with, Don’t expect this to be my most intelligent game. I’m tired, and I want to play.
About 20 minutes in, I thought to myself, I’m playing defensively in response his strategy, and he seems to have the entire board covered. This isn’t fun.
In that moment, I decided to redirect my energy, starting with, make it fun, followed by, how can you move into offense? Now, did I mention that nobody, except for a computer, has beaten M in over a decade? And we have had only one draw.
But as soon as I made that internal shift, I felt a surge of vitality. I was back in the flow and could see the board from a completely different perspective.
And guess what? Within a few moves, I had him in checkmate.
I didn’t set out with the intention to win. I was seeking connection and flow; two of my highest values. When I realized I wasn’t having fun, I adjusted my energy to bring myself back into flow and approach the game from a new perspective. And everything changed, almost instantly.
The next morning, M said to me, I do not like to lose, and no one has beaten me in a very long time. However, the shift in your energy, the radiance that poured through you, and seeing you turn back the clock to how I remember you as a teenager—that was everything. Your joy was palpable.
This is the power of energy.
This is the power of where we place our attention.
This is the power of a regulated nervous system.
This is the power of energetic mastery and how we allow energy to flow through us.
If I can use a shift in energy to dethrone a chess champion who hasn’t been conquered in a long time, what else is possible?
Love + Magic,
PS: Send me a field report. I love to read them.