We cannot change circumstances.
Yet, when we change how we approach them, by directing our attention to what’s happening within us, guess what?
Circumstances will often change.
Because consciously choosing how we show up affects the outcome of what we show up to.
Have you ever felt really sad, angry, or lonely, and your best friend makes a surprise appearance. not trying to whitewash your problems, but rather descending as a bundle of light and love, just offering you their presence, their joy?
And in that moment, everything felt a little bit better.
Or have you ever felt totally lit up, and, as my daughter used to say, someone smushed your soul with their doom and gloom?
Yes, we’ve all had these experiences. And in most cases, people aren’t trying to smush us, they’re just vomiting their own unprocessed emotions, unconsciously.
What happens when we use this energy consciously, and how do we do so?
Let’s say you’re going to a holiday party at Aunt Lucy’s, where there tends to be a lot of gossip and negative chitter chatter.
Set an intention to enjoy yourself, and while you’re getting ready for the party, play your favorite song, and tell yourself 10 things you like about yourself. Then embody that energy as you head to Aunt Lucy’s.
Be what you want to experience.
People will be happy to see you, genuinely happy.
You’ll find yourself actually having fun, singing around the piano, sharing happy memories, feeling grateful for the experience, and completely forgetting that this used to be a rather traumatizing, gossipy, exhausting experience.
Remember that part about we can’t change circumstances?
When we pay attention to how we want to feel, the circumstances begin to change and align with that feeling.
This may be the best gift you could offer yourself, and everyone else you love, at this sometimes magical time of year.
Because wouldn’t it be great to flow through the holidays feeling connected, joyful and energized?
That’s certainly my preference.
Love + Magic,